Thursday, 28 May 2015

Negative World Podcast 078 - It's-a-Me, Your Density!

There's less than an average work day in hours left before Splatoon hits the eShop. My copy is coming in the mail tomorrow. So before you dive in, splatting up the place, give this show a listen! Hey! Listen!

Welcome to Part 2 (more or less) of the big recording session that Paul (Ploot), Joe (Ninsage), and Stephen (DrFinkelstein) had which started with Episode 77. Now that they've got all their Now Playing out of the way, it's time for them to get down to business.

In this episode the trio discusses the Splatoon Global Testfire which happened throughout this past month. After that they spend a majority of the show discussing the entire History of E3! These dudes hop in a DeLorean and go back in time starting with the very first E3 and bringing us back to the present day. What were the big games being discussed? What were the promotional strategies? They tackle it all!

The next episode will be a standard episode where with an E3 focus as we gear up for the big week coming in the middle of June. The week of E3 we'll be recording a plethora of E3 2015-related content featuring an unprecedented number of guest speakers. The collective voice of Negative World will be heard! DrFinkelstein hopes to get all of this goodness out in June, as close to the recording period as possible. Cross you fingers! (or bribe with amiibos)

The show's theme music is from Negative World site owner and operator, Zero.

Please comment on the topics, the podcast, the guests, hosts, etc. on Negative World! You can also reach us through Facebook or Twitter. If you find us on iTunes, please write us a little review there! We would really appreciate the feedback. It's the best way for us to know what makes our listeners happy and we'd love to respond to some things on future episodes. We mean it!

Full list of episodes

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Negative World Podcast 077 - Marvel at the Hype Train

Welcome to another episode of the Negative World Podcast! We recorded this one just a few days ago and in my dedication to do these episodes as timely and best I can leading up to E3, I edited the dang thing already too! Well sort of,... you see this episode is a part one of two since the actual episode 77 lasted about 4.5 hours long. Yeah... I know... so expect another funky ending as we focus on the front half of our usual show plan and stay tuned for the rest next week.

For this episode we have Stephen (DrFinkelstein) and Joe (Ninsage) playing host to Paul (Ploot)! Despite Paul's been in a handful of episodes, it's been some time since he's been on the show and this was actually his first time being on with Joe! They get along splendidly.

After kicking the show off with another update from the Yooka-Laylee kickstarter campaign, the guys listen in on Paul's thoughts. Did he back it? You have to listen to find out. Then the crew jumps into Now Playing. You'll hear them discuss Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, Grand Theft Auto V, Marvel Puzzle Quest, Stretchmo, and Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney. The final segment, of this show anyway, is a new segment called Hype Train!!! and in it you'll hear each speaker explain what they're hyped about this week! It's supposed to be short and sweet. (but we'll get there...).

Stay tuned for next week when the gang continues their conversations as they discuss the Splatoon Global Testfire and go through the entire History of E3.

The transition music for the main topic comes from Splatoon and the theme music is from Zero's masterpiece.

Please comment on the topics, the podcast, the guests, hosts, etc. on Negative World! You can also reach us through Facebook or Twitter. We would really appreciate the feedback. It's the best way for us to know what makes our listeners happy and we'd love to respond to some things on future episodes. We mean it!

Full list of episodes

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Negative World Podcast 076 - Back to the Tarmac

The weather was nice. The planes were fueled up. The British had a new game concept and it was time for Stephen (DrFinkelstein) to get back to the tarmac with Peter (Octorockin) and Joe (Ninsage)!

The climbed into the cabin and took off on a podcast adventure with a primary destination in mind. Up and coming game developer, PlayTonic Games, had recently launched their official Kickstarter for their new game, Yooka-Laylee. Go on over and support it! There's still 31 days left! The trio, excited as ever at the prospect, goes in depth on what this game could mean for them and for the future of the collect-a-thon 3D platformer genre. Before this all, the group has a bit of Now Playing where Octorockin tells us all about Code Name S.T.E.A.M. and DrFinkelstein monkeys-around in Donkey Kong 64, amongst other games.

After the Yooka-Laylee discussion the three celebrate the music works of David Wise and Grant Kirkhope, who happen to be working on the soundtrack for Yooka-Laylee. Each picks a particular favorite track from both composers. It's like a mini-Euphonic episode packed right in!

Finally they wind down with a little banter regarding what remains over at Rare (now a Microsoft 2nd party company). Apparently Rare is poised to showcase something new at E3 2015 and there's a little speculation about it. Be sure to stick through the end of the show to hear DrFinkelstein end it without a script and pretty much confuse the hell out of Ninsage.

The transition music for the main topic comes from Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze and the theme music... yep you're right... still hasn't changed from Zero's masterpiece.

Please comment on the topics, the podcast, the guests, hosts, etc. on Negative World! You can also reach us through Facebook or Twitter. We would really appreciate the feedback. It's the best way for us to know what makes our listeners happy and we'd love to respond to some things on future episodes. We mean it!

Full list of episodes